Expectations and Inclusions of an ASSOCIATE membership aged 30+ years
Membership Fees
$230 per season
No award requirements
No patrol hours required
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Members aged 18 years and over must register a WWCC with the Club and LSV
Eligible to attend club social functions/events at member prices
Eligible to support club functions & events.
Eligible to support carnivals / club training ie, coaching, official, beach setup/packup
May be eligible for hall discount on application if volunteer hours exceed 16 per season – on application to committee
Restrictions of an Associate membership
- No key access to the club, unless volunteering as a Coach
- No gym membership or gym usage
- No usage of club equipment, ie., boards/skis
- No training with Seniors/Masters
- No voting rights
- No equipment storage rights
For help or further information contact membership@brlsc.org.au
Give it a Go! Become a Lifesaver today.
I, the member (or parent/legal guardian of minor), have read and understand the Constitution and By-laws of the Black Rock Life Saving Club Inc and agree to abide by all Club Rules.