WE ARE VOLUNTEERS ! admin@brlsc.org.au

Courses & Re-Qualifications

Black Rock LSC patrols Black Rock Beach between Arkaringa Point and Second Street.

Courses & requalification

Courses are held only once a year, so don’t miss out, sign up now

Pre-requisite for all courses:

Must be a financial member of Black Rock Life Saving Club (1st July – 30th June)
Must have a valid Working with Children Check (if 18 years and over)

Members can register via TeamApp TeamApp

Non members JOIN here before registering on TeamApp

Bronze Medallion (BM) and Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)

Held last week of November/first week of December.

Some of the skills you will acquire are:


Basic patrolling & surf awareness skills
In water rescues skills using both rescue boards and tubes
Basic First Aid including how to bandage and treat sprains
Resuscitation and CPR – so important for everyone to learn
Rescue carries and signals
Radio and Beach management
Scenarios – these are so much fun and you’ll practice everything you’ve learnt
The course runs over a two week period, including some weekends 1:00-5:00pm and some week nights 6:30-8:30pm.  The schedule includes theory, practical and revision times therefore allowing flexibility.

It is advisable to attend all sessions, however we understand this is not always possible, discuss your options with the Awards Manager.

To register for this course JOIN RENEW your membership and then head to TeamApp

U14s need to have their SRC in order to compete at LSV State Championships and to patrol.  The SRC award can be taken by members who are aged 13 by course assessment date (early December).

U15s and above need to have their Bronze award in order to compete, patrol and assist with water safety.  The Bronze award can be taken by members who are aged 15 and above by course assessment date (early December).

Pre-Requisites for Bronze Medallion

To commence training for the Bronze Award you must meet the following course pre-requisite:

Be at least 15 years of age on the date of final assessment
Complete an unaided swim (goggles/masks permitted) of 400 metre swim in nine (9) minutes or less, in a swimming pool of not less than 25 metres, or over a measured open water.

Pre-Requisites for Surf Rescue Certificate

To commence training for the Surf Rescue Certificate you must meet the following course pre-requisite:

Be at least 13 years of age on the date of final assessment
Have completed a 200 metre swim in five (5) minutes or less, unaided (goggles/mask permitted), in a swimming pool of not less than 25 metres, or over a measured open water course.
Any inquires with regards to membership should be emailed to: membership@brlsc.org.au and
any inquires with regards to courses should be emailed to: training@brlsc.org.au

SRC/Bronze Requalification

Held early December

Annual Requalification Date will be advised at training sessions and via TeamApp

The theory components for the assessment awards listed below are now available online, once complete select a practical assessment that suits:

Bronze Medallion (BM), Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC), IRB Crew (IRBC), IRB Driver (IRBD), Spinal Management, Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (ARTC)


IRB Crew & Driver Course

Held early December

Courses will be advertised to members via TeamApp

POWERCRAFT Inflatable Rescue Boat ( IRB )

Held early December

Courses will be advertised to members via TeamApp

 Training covers the following areas:

  • Prepare for rescue boat operation

  • Operate rescue boat

  • Conduct emergency drills

  • Conduct rescue boat search and recovery

  • Recover and restore vessel

  • Determine current location, destination and resources

  • Determine and plan a safe course

  • Navigate to destination

  • Return to home port

  • Complete post navigational activities

  • Maintain effective communications

Pre-requisites for IRB Crew

Minimum of 15 years of age on the date of final assessment
Hold the Bronze Medallion award

Pre-requisites for IRB Driver

Minimum of 16 years of age to commence training
Minimum of 17 years f age on the date of final assessment
Hold and be currently proficient in the Bronze Medallion award and IRB Crew Certificate for a minimum of 1 year
Have met the Marine Licensing requirements in Victoria

FIRST AID Pre-requisites:

Candidates must be a minimum of 14 years of age on the date of the final assessment

The aim of this course is to provide you with the skills and knowledge to manage emergency first aid situations until professional medical support is available. 

  • Training covers to following areas:
  • The principals of first aid
  • Managing emergency situations
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Treatment of infection, shock, fractures, bleeding and burns
  • Emergencies due to lack of oxygen, excess heat or cold
  • Management of common medical emergencies
  • Treatment of poisoning

Further awards are offered throughout the season based on demand and additional awards can be attained through LSV, these will be advertised on TeamApp.